About Me

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There are moments in time where our eyes are not used for sight, but to tell a story. Eyes can tell so much about a person: their journeys, heartaches, successes and thoughts within. From these instances, beautiful art is born. I have been an artist since I could hold a crayon. I really enjoy creating amazing pieces of art for people and seeing their smiling faces. I am able to create just about anything! I hope you enjoy my website and art. I create custom paintings and murals of all kinds. Feel free to contact me at eyecanseearts@gmail.com. I can't wait to create for you!


Friday, July 3, 2015

Storm Blossoms

Storm Blossoms
16" x 20"
Acrylic on canvas

I adore black and white with a small splash of color! You will notice the 3-D affect of the flowers. This affect was achieved with a modeling paste being mixed into the acrylic paint. It dries raised and textured and it's just fun and beautiful.

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